Hi, I'm Pim

Creative coder exploring the intersection of technology and art. Recently completed a professional bachelor's degree with distinction in Multimedia & Creative Technologies. Currently expanding this education part-time in the arts at NYU's IMA Low Res program. Passionate about innovative projects combining design and technology. Specialized in creative coding, interaction design, and conceptual development.

A portrait of Pim


icon of JavaScript

I have a strong grasp on JavaScript. I use it as my primary programming language, and get a lot of stuff done with it. Well up to date with modern ECMAScript, and very slowly delving more towards a functional style of programming.

icon of TypeScript

Sometimes projects call for more detail and extra carefulness. Although I have used TypeScript in more than a few projects, I'm still learning the ins and outs of it.

icon of Python
General Programming

I've used Python a couple of times, mostly for machine learning. Whatever Python I know is from working with MicroPython, wrangling Tensorflow, writing tiny scripts to download stuff of of the web, and scouring Github repositories.

icon of C(++)
General Programming

Only know this one in the context of working with Microcontrollers, and even then while using the Arduino library. Whatever C I know beyond that is from looking at game engine source code and other open source projects.

icon of Rust
General Programming

Rust is a language I've been learning to become a better overall programmer, it being my gateway towards understanidng low-level coding, more design patterns, etc. With every error it throws at me, I learn more about the language and how to use it. (Thank you for the beautiful error messages, Rust!)

icon of Haskell
General Programming

While I have an interest in design patterns and general coding, I also have a big interest in finally diving and understanding functional programming. Haskell in specific interests me since I've worked with it while livecoding with TidalCycles.

icon of Node.js
General Programming

I have a good understanding of the Node ecosystem and how it use it. While not super knowledgeable on all it's APIs, I never have issues figuring them out. In the meanwhile, Bun is looking nice and fresh out of the oven...

icon of D3.js
Creative Coding

My dataviz library of choice. D3 is fantastic and I've been trying to put it to use in a few projects ever since I've discovered it. I'm still learning how to use it to it's full potential, which is endless, so I might never get to that point.

icon of HTML

While I don't know ever tag out there, I've got a solid grasp on what is possible with raw HTML. This one is for the recruiters.

icon of CSS

For the few times I do have to use CSS or Sass, I weep tears as I painstakingly out how to use pseudo-elements and whatnot. Please, just let me use Tailwind eternally. This is another one for the recruiters.

icon of Svelte

This very website is made with SvelteKit! While I haven't dived deep into very advanced Sveltekit, I've been working with it for almost a year now, and feel like I have a solid grasp on it. It is pretty darn cool.

icon of React

I really do not like React that much. It gets confusing, and I feel like I'm writing more code than I really should be doing. I've never really made any projects with it, but I understand the basics. I really prefer to steer clear of React.

icon of MongoDB

The only database I really know how to use without an ORM. Even then, I don't know how to use it to it's full potential. It has been a while, but I still know how to work with it.

icon of ml5.js
AI, ML & IoT

ml5 was my introduction to machine learning. It plays nicely with p5.js and make it easy to do small models.

icon of Tensorflow
AI, ML & IoT

I've done some very basic work with Tensorflow, doing predictions and some natural language processing. I am very inexperienced in this field, yet I can't stop myself diving into GitHub repositories.

icon of Git
General Programming

I've learned Git from the first coding lesson I had and have kept on using it. While I know a good deal, I still sometimes have a messy commit history. I do know a great deal on how to collaboratively use Git, having spent a lot of time browsing open source projects.

icon of ESP Microcontrollers
ESP Microcontrollers
AI, ML & IoT

Having done a few projects with wireless microcontrollers, the two I'm most comfortable with are the ESP32 and ESP8266. I have used them both for automation and for creative projects, and have a Pico-W somewhere around here...

icon of Arduino
Physical Prototyping

Arduino was, like many, my introduction to microcontrollers. I'm okay at electrical circuitry, and embedded modules and systems are something I've worked with a lot. I know a lot of sensors and how to code for them, but don't ask me to build my own IC2 systems.

Art & Design.

icon of p5.js
Creative Coding

Processing and p5 are my preferred creative coding programs. While still scratching the surface of what is possible with them, and additional libraries, I've made a more than a few projects with them.

icon of TouchDesigner
Creative Coding

I use TouchDesigner when creative coding projects require the 3D space. I only use it occasionally, but I can work my way around the software and it's patterns. I take a lot of time to get through the process of producing something, but it is very enjoyable nonetheless.

icon of Blender

Coming from Maya, Blender is my 3D modelling program of choice. I mostly use Geometry nodes, as those are much like TouchDesigner, but it modelling in itself is already such an ease with Blender.

icon of Premiere Pro
Premiere Pro

Premiere Pro is my video editing software of choice. Editing is fun, but don't throw motion graphics or color grading at me.

icon of Figma
UX Design

Coming from Adobe XD, Figma was very familiar, only things actually worked well and plugins were actually useful. Designing and prototyping are no issue, but I'm having some hiccups relearning animations and conditional flows. But hey, Dev mode is pretty sweet!

icon of Illustrator

Illustrator, the first design software I learnt to use. I consider myself far from good, but still am able to deliver graphics with this.

icon of InDesign

I've used InDesign a number of times. It's a nice program to work with. I've used it for several papers, my resume, a small booklet. Bleeds, color modes and page types are no mystery to me.


icon of Team Player
Team Player
Interpersonal Skills

I excel at collaboration and group projects, able to connect with teammates to achieve shared goals through open communication and constructive feedback. My cooperative nature also enables me to resolve conflicts smoothly.

icon of Communication
Interpersonal Skills

My verbal, written, and visual communication skills allow me to convey complex information clearly and concisely to diverse audiences. I am an engaged listener and presenter.

icon of Collaboration
Interpersonal Skills

I thrive in collaborative environments, actively participating in brainstorming sessions and working cooperatively with others to achieve shared goals. My teamwork enables collective success.

icon of Creativity
Cognitive Skills

I have an innovative mindset, able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to complex problems. My artistic nature enables me to approach challenges from new perspectives.

icon of Systems Thinking
Systems Thinking
Cognitive Skills

I excel at understanding how various components interconnect and influence one another within complex systems. This big picture perspective allows me to consider the full context when solving problems.

icon of Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset
Personal Skills

I have a growth mindset, always eager to learn new skills and expand my capabilities through training, feedback, and experience. Challenges excite rather than discourage me.