One of three projects I undertook during my Technology and Physical Computing course during my first year in Multimedia & Creative Technologies. I got the idea after I saw a video of a couple of Raspberry Pi’s playing Terry Riley’s in C. I thought Clapping Music, a composition by Steve Reich, would translate well to physical components so I ended up translating the system of Clapping Music into code that would be performed by an Arduino. I ended up hooking up some solenoids and soon I had my own electronically driven performance of Clapping Music.
The patterns were hardcoded, even though it really lends itself towards an algorithm, and I had the hardest time figuring out how to make solenoids work, or even check if they weren't broken during the 2020 lockdown. I'll probably return to this project at some point, and expand upon it in the envisioned crazy future where it turns into Pat Metheny's Orchestrion 2.0
Arduino plays Clapping Music
Programming an Arduino to play 20th-century classical music