Physical Data

Physical Data

Dipping my toes into data visualization with an eye towards physical prototypes.

This was an exploratory experiment for myself. My first real data visualization. To keep things open, I used a very simple dataset, I just wanted to explore techniques and creative coding based on a pure data. Using David Lynch's Number of the Day videos, I started exploring at the whim of his hand grabbing a ping pong ball every now and then.

From random walks, spectrograms, heatmaps, to data sonification. I learned a lot doing this experiment. Learning some of the limits of both TouchDesigner and Blender, some Python with bpy. Since I wanted to bring these visualizations into the world, I started repairing an old 3D printer I got. In the end, everything came together as I printed my 3D models, generated from the David Lynch dataset, alongside an accompaning music piece generated by the very same data, using sounds covered from a spectrogram generated used that same data. ⁠Whew!

DesignPhysical PrototypingDataviz